What is -
"The Green Dolphin's poll"?

      The Green Dolphin's poll is a poll where participants, who are voting for the Best Albums, Bands & Artists, are critics, writers and publicists, musicians, distributors, producers, promoters, radio DJ's & collectors.
      The Green Dolphin's poll covers mainly innovative & creative music: Avant-Progressive, Avant-Rock, Chamber-Rock, Jazz-Rock/Fusion, Out-Rock, Post-Rock, Progressive rock, Rock in Opposition etc.

T h e  p a r t i c i p a n t s   i n   t h e    p r e v i o u s   13    P o l l s   w e r e:

      Aaron Coleman, Aaron Weits, Aigars Cervinskis, Alan Holmes, Alex Botten, Alex Charles, Alex Schorb, Alex West-Burnham, Alexander Sysoev, Andreas Kasper, Annette Williams, Ansis Markauss, Anthony Marhell, Antonio Dimitrov, Armands Alksnis, Arnaud Lemoine, Árni Viðar Thorarinsson, Artur Siim, Aymeric Leroy, Barry Rogers, Bas Ickenroth, Ben Groom, Bob Eichler, Bob Zorich & Cherokee, Brett Rubin, Brian Holm, Brian John Mitchell, Bruno Wong, Carlos Tavares, Carsten Busch, Cathia Cantusio & Co, Chad Hutchinson, Charles Imperatori, Charles W. Vrtacek, Charlie Rauh, Charoenkwan Luesumphan, Chris Jillings, Chris Ide, Chris McMahon, Christian Bekhuis, Christine Holz, Claire Vinten, Clay Hazlip, Clive Nolan, Colleen Kinsella, Dann Chinn, Daniel Gish, Daniel Mares, Dave Bainbridge, Dave Pearce, Dave Wagsaffe, David Crespo, David Robinson, David Sheppard, Denis Arsenin, Derek Miller, Dmitry Krasnoperov, Dominique Leone, Douglas C. Maynard, Duncan Harris, Dustin Wall, Edgars Smits, Ed Macan, Emmanuel Delestre, Enrique Jardines, Eric D. Brooks, Fivian Thomas, Frans Schmit, Frédéric Delage, Gandalf, Gary Hill, Gayle Ellett, Geir Hasnes, Geir Larzen, Geoff Sawers, Gerrit-Jan Bloemink, Gert Cuppen, Gil Keltch, Gilles Loes, Geno Thackara, Greg Mazure, Gregory Durnovo, Guillermo De la Madrid, Günter Schote, Guy Manning, Håkan Almkvist, Hanspeter Hess, Harm van Baar, Harry Steiner, Hector Diaz, Henry Potts, Hester Stasse, Hugh Hopper, Ian Oakley, Ian Scanlon, Jaakko Huhtanen, Jack Bross, Jack Hesse, Jacob Felix Heule, James Graham, James Vella, Janez Golic, Jan Hrubín, Janis Lusens, Janis Zilde, Janusz Groth, Jedd Beaudoin, Jeff Matheus, Jeff Melton, Jeff Patterson, Jeffrey Thames, Jensenne Roculan, Joakim Jahlmar, Joan Cambon, John Bleasdale, John Bollenberg, John Mullane, Jon Byrne, Jorgen Sigvardssen, Joseph Stevenson, Josh Korody, Juan José Salas, Juan Mares Martin, Jürgen De Blonde, Kaido Tamm, Ken Field, Ken Senior, Kenneth Magnusson, Kenneth Wilson, Kevin Goldsmith, Kirill Reznik-Martov, Kjartan Almenning, Konstantin Bazeyev, Kristian Selm, Krzysztof Rolnik, Lanzarini, Laurence Station, Liv G. Whetmore, Luigi Ametta, Marc Campillo, Mark Cook, Mario Ruggeri, Mark Halloran, Martin Hudson, Mats Rydström, Matthew Wade, Maurice Woestenburg, Mel Huang, Michael Bloom, Michael Butkus-Bomier, Michael Chamy, Michel Schudel, Mike Ezzo, Mike Varty, Mikko Innanen, Mónica Garrido, Natalia de Jesss, Nathan Amundson, Neil Durant, Nick Barrett, Nick Didkovsky, Nick Lejejs, Normunds Cirkste, Ólafur Josephsson, Olafs Stals, Paolo Frascolla, Patrick Becker, Paul 'da Mole', Paul H. Erlich, Paul Harrill, Paul McAllister, Peter Maizitis, Peter Thelen, Phil Jackson, Philip Satterley, Rafa Dorado, Raimonds Liepins, Raimundo Rodulfo, Ray Ashley, Razor, Renars Zivers, René Margraff, Richard Youngs, Rick Neuhoff, Robin Stierkat, Rog Patterson, Roine Stolt, Rolf Semprebon, Ron Skeen, Rúnar Júliusson, Russell Hammond, Salvador M. Guardiola, Shawn Persinger, Simon Kean, Stéphane Colle, Stephane Fougere, Stephen Dohnberg, Steven McCabe, Stu Hood, Stuart Nicholson, Sue Element, Surjorimba Suroto, Sven Schmidt, Sylvain Rodrigue, Thierry Sportouche, Thomas Fivian, Thomas Gagliardi, Tim Bowness, Tizwin Hay, Tobias Broljung, Tomasz Skibinski, Toms Circenis, Toni Dimitrov, Ugis Praulins, Uwe D'Rose, Valdir Montanari, Valts Puce, Vasiliy Perelygin, Victor Mcsurely, Vladislav Petchnikov, Volkmar Mantei, Weasel Walter, Yuri Chernenok, Yuri Q. Lee Shenko.

      Some of you have asked me how musicians and critics are voting?
Here are these rules. Maybe very simply or complicate.

      All the votes taken in consideration will give the artist or the album a certain amount of points, ranging from 10 to 1 (1st place - 10 points, 10th place - 1 point).

The Poll # 19th is open. The results: in summer, 2011.

Home | # 4  (1997) | # 5  (of all time) | # 6  (1998) | # 7  (1999) | # 8  (2000) | # 9  (2001)  | # 10  (of all time)  | # 11  (2002)  | # 12  (2003)  | # 13  (2004)  | # 14  (2005)  | # 16  (2007)  | # 17  (2008)  | # 18  (2009)
Prog & Avant-Rock | Post-Rock bands | Post-Rock labels & media  | The [Gri:n] Files #1 | #2 | #3 | #4  | #5  | #6

The Green Dolphin's Poll, © Dainis Bushmanis.

100.000 visitors since May 14th, 2001 - June 7th, 2008 by Puls.lv counter.

Counting by Neocounter have started since November 8th, 2007.

Updated on February 3rd, 2017.

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